Yes David, the question is asking personal preference about the wood material only where other objects are not relevant (same quality, same age, etc); as Alan said: we limit to the material itself and we are talking Tayuman. This is not a tricky question, just which one you like - there is not right or wrong answer.
I agree with all the discussion in regards keris hilts on the previous post, other than mention by Alan and Detlef, your self, also colour of the hilts correspondent to the worongko colour, the height suitability with gayaman/ladrang or even personal preference by the hilt maker as well as mentioned by Alan.
Years ago, I understand that most Indonesian they prefer and willing to pay high price for the Blue Sapphire with bright stars, sometimes they told us: the brighter the stars the better (which is true if your stone is not more solid colour NOT crystal clear stone). But when you go to the higher level of appreciation, where you use the technology, certified stones, where mostly overseas / international market used than we are surprised that the Crystall clear (see through) with deep blue color are the choice and the best price for international market. If you are talking rubys, it has to be red deep colour (no pinky, no orange colour within the Red ruby color) but crystal clear and of course no clouds, no cracked, no bubble, etc. etc...
May be others can just tell us what is their material preference and if possible some other readers also have the luxury to own or at least seen what's choosen by the King/Prince or who ever in Kraton their choosen material? So we all learn as well?