Hello Jim and all, sorry to come late into this thread. Here are two swords both by Prosser which have pretty similar hilts. Both have etched blades rather than blue & gilt. The top sword bears the markings of the 16th Queen's Light Dragoons (XVI QLD) and is by Prosser Maker to the Prince Regent. That positively dates it between 1811 when the regency was declared and January 1816 when the 16LD were converted to Lancers. The second sword belonged to an officer of the 1st regiment of Bombay Light Cavalry. I date this around 1818 - 1827.
So Alexander, you have a 1796 light cavalry sword with a hilt in the style of Prosser which I would date about 1814-15. The blade decoration (from the little we can see) however does look distinctly un-British. Is there a GR cipher? or Royal Arms?
Hey Jim, how are you keeping?