Originally Posted by ward
Respectfully morrocanns are not arabic speakers is a pretty questionable statement. Do they mix arabic with french,various berber dialects and some german and english mix yes. they tend to use a more simplified version of all of these languages. It is like saying egyptians do not speak arabic because they do not use kaa corectly. coffee = kawa = egyptian arabic awa.
Reginal differences abound with all languages

ward ... does you try to trap me
I have some background about who is speaking more or less Arabic, just because I was residing several years in those country

yourself ward you have a clear idea about that matter, isn't
for the new-by ...
- classic Arabic, is the pure Arab language, used for religion (Quran wrote in this language), but also, all newspapers, courses in University, news in TV, in ALL Arabic Islamic country
- KSA is the country where the colloquial language is the nearest from classic form
- Egypt, has some few difference, with typical idioms, but yet near to classic
- Libya, it's in between of KSA and Egypt
- Algeria, ... the mess ... 3 words in French with "at" at end, then 2 words in Arabic, 1 word in Berber
all Berbers (5 ethnics) are not speaking Arabic AT ALL, and they refuse to learn it ...
black population from Adrar (Timimoun) are speaking a very good and clear Arabic
- Morocco, they speaks Berber for a large majority, few are using Arabic language, otherwise, they use mainly French language
all that is a bit schematic, not easy to summarize, but I must be, more or less, not too far from ...
my truth
I'm "respectfully for Moroccans",
my own grand-daughter has 1/4 blood from them
but facts are there ...
best Regards ward
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