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Old 20th April 2011, 12:26 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by mjamerks
Would like to hear some thoughts about this rifle.
It looks like a moukhala but has a miquelet lock.
Also the woodcarving and decorations look european.
Can this be a hunting rifle made in Nort africa,in a european style??
I have never seen one before.
Also the barrel is signed,translation would be welcome.

Let me know your thoughts!!
"moukhala" and not "mokhala" the last one is, a pot containing the "khol"

the "moukhala" it's not really an hunting gun
more used for festivities; fantasia is rooted in Moroccan tradition,
the fantasia is a combination of charging on horseback and "moukhala" shooting,
though it is highly spectacular, it's typically Moroccan war game

The MOKHALA (or KAHALE) is a bottle (chased silver) used to contain the KHOL
(KHOL black powder prepared from lead sulphide) which is the powder to blacken the eyes of women in Oriental countries.

your rifle has a beautiful miquelet lock, and got a strong Europeen, or even French influence for the wood carving decoration
I noticed also the very nice ramrod, in suit with the canon decor
this rifle should be from begining of 19th century


à +

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