Thread: pamor wengkon
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Old 17th April 2011, 11:51 PM   #25
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Pak Boedhi, although telaga ngembleng is a well known pamor, possibly it depends upon where one lives as to how well known it is. I myself was reluctant to suggest it, because on my screen I simply could not see sufficient detail to know if I was looking at a puser or at telaga ngembleng.You have now confirmed that this effect in Marco's blade has not been formed by the insertion of a coil, and I thank you for that.

In respect of the classification of any particular pamor as exclusively an accidental, or an intentional pamor, I have no particular inclination to debate this point. Opinions in this matter vary. I personally am receptive to all opinions of this nature, and do not favour one over another.

As with many things in life, it all depends upon which school one attended.

My understanding remains that telaga ngembleng is an accidental pamor, but this is only because the bulk of opinion that I have encountered in respect of this pamor motif has been that it is an accidental pamor, and may not be intentionally formed.

As I noted in my earlier post:-

I accept that different interpretations of pamor motifs exist, and I accept that what you have posted is your understanding of what constitutes pamor tlaga membeng.

In these matters we are all permitted our own opinion.
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