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Old 16th April 2011, 01:44 PM   #1
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Default Chamba short sword for comment

I was lucky enough to acquire this rather old Chamba short sword recently. Collected by an Austrian couple in the 1980s who traveled extensively in the Benue river area. The piece is iron, very well made and quite sturdy. My interest in it stems from ongoing research into takouba like forms and this piece exhibits an interesting pommel form quite similar to older takouba.

The construction of this piece is, besides the guard, one solid piece. While rather short, it is very comfortable to hold in hand and has a nice edge.

Overall length is 50cm or around 20 inches.

Remnants of cloth are stuck under the guard and at the base of the pommel - I assume from the original hilt wrapping.

I really like this piece, and despite the small size it is a formidable little sword which would be very effective in combination with a shield I think. I've seen a auction record from a similar piece which came out of the same collection that was about 8cm longer, sadly I was not aware of it last time it was up for sale and have not been able to find out who the current owner is to obtain more information and pictures. Unless it's someone here?

Anyways, photos of my piece attached below. All comments, thoughts, period photos of Chamba (are there any out there?) appreciated.
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