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Old 12th April 2011, 11:24 PM   #4
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

A nice piece.

You know how much I dislike trying to classify blades from photos, but I think I'm prepared to offer an opinion on this one. Based upon the form of the metuk, form of rondha, and size, I believe this can be classified as Tuban. Tuban blades of all types were very substantial, and the metuk and rondha are much closer to Tuban form than any other.

I would hope that when this has been cleaned and stained we see Tuban material.

Detlef, believe me:- you do not want the blade to have a "nice pamor"; you want it to have a typical Tuban pamor which will be wos wutah or ngulit semongko, rather coarse, heavily veined, and smooth to the touch. If you're real lucky the pamor might be hair-like, and then we can attribute to Mpu Bekeljati.
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