Thread: pamor wengkon
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Old 7th April 2011, 12:23 AM   #21
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Thank you for sharing your opinion with us Pak Boedhi.

It is certain the telaga ngembeng ( membeng, membleng) is a well recognised pamor, however, in my understanding it is an accidental pamor (pamor tiban), it cannot be an intentionally made pamor, and it cannot be created by the insertion of a piece of coiled pamor.

Looking at Marco's blade I am uncertain if this effect has been created by insertion of a separate piece of pamor or not.

In the example posted by Gustav, it is clear that the lake is formed by pamor already within the body of the blade, however, the exposure of this pamor is so perfect that I doubt it is an accidental exposure.

I accept that different interpretations of pamor motifs exist, and I accept that what you have posted is your understanding of what constitutes pamor tlaga membeng.
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