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Old 1st April 2011, 11:04 AM   #8
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Alexander, I just wanted to reiterate that what I am saying about the 10th Hussar sabre is that the majority of these (which is around 27 of around 41 made) were made by Prosser. Since they carry certain distinct characteristics that are seen in your sabre I am suggesting that it might have been sort of a prototype for what became this custom design for the officers of the 10th Hussars and very well might have been made by Prosser prior to around 1807.

I do hope we might learn more about this sabres provenance as these are truly one of the most exciting patterns of the British cavalry sword, and are known to have remained in use longer than often believed. As far as the regulation patterns in the British army, this was officially the first pattern light cavalry sabre (despite the M1788 being well established ). It was superceded officially by the M1821 light cavalry sabre (M1822 for officers) but the M1796 retained its favor long afterwards, particularly in India and some of the other colonial regions as well as yeomanry units.

Ian, its great to see you! I had mentioned Richard in noting particular expertise in British regulation swords, and should have mentioned you as well.
You have always seemed to come up with amazing examples of the British cavalry patterns, and your posts through the years are full of outstanding reading on them.

All best regards,
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