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Old 21st March 2011, 11:09 AM   #4
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Hello Detlef,

I think you should try to get Karel Sirag's comments on this one since he has looked into these swords quite a bit. As you know, they come from a group of tribes with similar cultural background including Timor but basically including the whole chain(s) of islands from East of Flores to Tanimbar. AFAIK, the large pommel type from Tanimbar is a bit different and I'd posit that your example is from somewhere West of it. Karel states that this type A hilt is spread all over the region. However, the rounded scabbard foot is a bit rarer and may, with a few other interesting details, help to place it.

I agree that the carvings look genuine with good wear. The hilt usually has a thick horn ferrule and the use of brass may well indicate somewhat later work/repair. I'd guess at the first half of the 20th c. as a conservative estimate. Since blades were routinely imported for these swords a steel of European origin wouldn't necessarily exclude an earlier date though. OTOH, the carvings don't look as detailed/crisp as on some apparently older examples.

The large size probably indicates a status piece for a chief or other noted warrior.

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