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Old 18th March 2011, 06:08 AM   #4
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

There are a couple of problems with this keris, firstly we cannot see if it had greneng or not.

If it had greneng it is either Carita Prasaja, or Carita Keprabon ( Pakem Surakarta)

If it did not have greneng it is diluar pakem according to the Surakarta Pakem --- but it could well have an assigned dhapur according to a different pakem.

The other problem is the blumbangan:- this is boto adeg

A Mataram keris has a square blumbangan, not one like a brick standing on end.

Majapahit has boto adeg, so does Surakarta, and Banten may or may not have boto adeg.

This is definitely not a Madura keris --- but it does have a nice Madura hilt.

Frankly, I'm not prepared to give an opinion on what classification this keris might be, but based upon what I can see I am quite prepared to say what it cannot be, and it cannot be Madura.
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