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Old 15th March 2011, 11:05 PM   #2
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

The research results produced by Haryono Arumbinang must be accepted as correct.

Titantium is a very widely distributed material right here on earth, but it is not found as an ore body, as for instance iron, or copper is found, it is found in combination with other substances. It is only in recent times that the processes have been developed to extract titanium from the materials it is found in combination with. Titanium is a product of high technology and the modern age.The old time mpus did not even know of its existence, and its intentional use in keris blades using simple open forge technology was and is a total impossibility.

Arumbinang's analysis identified titanium, most certainly, as it would have identified titanium in many other products from previous times, however, this titanium was not intentionally included, it was coincidental.

What happened was that although Arumbinang understood exactly what his research indicated, the flakey fringe of keris collectors and the even more flakey media did not understand it. They saw "TITANIUM" and they immediately created the myth of the advanced technology of the ancient Javanese mpus forging magical and wondrous blades that contained titanium.

The idiot fringe even took it one step further, they claimed that the existence of titanium was absolute proof that meteorites were used as pamor material!!


A metal that would not even be discovered by those ignorant and benighted bules for another 1000 years!!

We did it first!!!

Our old time mpus discovered titanium!!

No problem that the technology did not exist, our old time mpus compensated for their lack of technology by use of their superior mystical powers.

And on.

And on.

And on.

Until today.

I was in Jawa at the time the news of the discovery broke, and it was absolutely ludicrous the rubbish that was being retailed between keris people, and appearing in the media.

Nobody would listen to logic or reason. They were off on their own little ego trip, and making themselves look like complete idiots at the same time.

A lot of time has passed since Arumbinang's analysis results were published, but this belief in the old time mpus using titanium still persists.

A very excellent keris book has been published in the recent past. Its co-author has delivered a lecture, or speech, which repeated this nonsense. A couple of people in his audience who knew even less than he did, picked up on this and went along to arguably the best real pande keris working today and requested that he make them a keris using titanium as the pamor material. They really took some convincing that this was technologically impossible with open forge technology.

I most sincerely suggest that anybody who still believes that the old time mpus could have intentionally used titanium, or even have known of its existence in other material, should spend a few minutes on the net with Brother Google.
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