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Old 14th March 2011, 05:59 AM   #20
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

My experience is rooted in Central Jawa, specifically Solo, and my personal experience is experience gained during the current era.

Not all keris are equal.

The keris that has been ordered as a pusaka, and that has had the full ceremonies ordered and paid for may well have a name given to it by its maker. However, not all makers are equal, and very, very few possess the necessary qualities and qualification to make a keris with all correct ceremony. Some will say they do, but the simple unadorned fact is that they do not. I can really only think of two, perhaps three, people during the modern era whom I consider to possess this power.

No, I will not name these people.

I know a number of people who have named their own keris, and in fact even royal pusakas have been named long after the pusaka was made , and long after whomever may have made the blade has been forgotten. You can quite legitimately name a keris of your own if you consider it to be worthy of that name. A name might also be given by an appraiser at the request of the custodian of the blade.

A named blade can often be quite ordinary in appearance, the respect paid to such a blade has absolutely nothing at all to do with who made it, or whether or not some power was supposedly brought into the blade at the time it was made.
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