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Old 12th March 2011, 09:50 PM   #15
Amuk Murugul
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Kaboejoetan Galoenggoeng Mélben
Posts: 468

Hullo everybody,

I apologise for my tardiness.
I thought that I had finished with this thread.
But, as was just recently pointed out to me, apparently not.

WRT ..... my throw-away comment re: Los Indios:
I viewed THE GROUP, rather than the individuals in it, as the 'entity'.
From obscure/humble beginnings and the lack of formal training in the area where they eventually became renowned.

May I remind you that Sunda is not a subset of Indonesia (while geographically, at the moment, that may be so). Sunda and Indonesia are two 'groups' which have an area of 'intersection'; thus they share the same subset.

On the matter of 'insult':
Experience has taught me that, generally, the people who regard the most microscopic of slights as the most monumental of insults are the 'Hyacinth Bucket's of this world (but who may also lack the courage of their conviction).(I'd be surprised if any of your complainants were 'Wong Dalem').
Viz. Back in your neighbourhood: When incidents like the one dubbed 'The Lizard Of Oz' occurred, who bleated the loudest?

BTW ..... on a MUCH LIGHTER NOTE ..... I noticed that you misspelt my name in your last post. Am I to read something into that?

I now consider my input to this thread ended.


Last edited by Amuk Murugul; 12th March 2011 at 11:19 PM.
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