Thread: Unusual tulwar
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Old 8th March 2011, 09:34 PM   #1
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Default Unusual tulwar

Hello folks!

I was watching this tulwar that recently sold on the bay. It's a very nice looking tulwar, but I was struck by the unconventional J or fullers as I don't recall seeing these before on Indian blades. The smaller fullers closer to the spine are sometimes seen on khukri and khoras but I haven't seen them on tulwar.

The blade seems to sport two different sets of fullers, made in different ways. The straight fuller seems to have been fullered hot with a fullering tool and is relatively shallow, while the J and I are very deep and seem to have been chiseled - they're also irregular.

Of course this may be no issue at all, fullering is not easy and chiseling does offer a lot of control and artistic flexibility,

Any thoughts on this?

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