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Old 8th March 2011, 07:18 AM   #16
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Yeah, its valid to call it a sepang. I just followed Gav's lead, and as a general rule I don't really care too much about what anybody calls something, as long as we understand one another.

I do not know anything about them except that they are exceptionally rare. My two are quite heavy, substantial pieces, but I do not know where they come from, what period, Balinese name, who used them,nor anything else.

Incidentally, those photos were taken with a Canon 980 IS. This is a little P&S shirt pocket camera. In virtually all the inside shots the light was incredibly poor. I have never been so satisfied with any camera that I've owned, and I've owned a few.
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