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Old 6th March 2011, 11:15 PM   #3
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Hopefully David, but I have my doubts.

Going back a few years we had a wonderful museum here in Sydney.

It was the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences. It was housed in a beautiful old Victorian building, and it had some absolutely wonderful displays.

It was typically 19th century, and visit there took you back into the 19th century. It was exactly what a museum of this type should be.

Our bureaucrats did not see this museum in quite the same way as did the people who regularly used it.

The Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences was closed and in its place we got the Power House Museum, which is a modern museum that functions as a dumbed down child minding facility.Since its opening I have heard a stream of negative comments about it from all classes of people and for a wide range of reasons.

But it does entertain children very well.

I am more than a little afraid that a similar fate to that which befell the old Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences will befall the Den Pasar Museum.

I really do hope I'm wrong.
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