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Old 6th March 2011, 12:45 AM   #12
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

You are very fortunate that you know so much instinctively, Amuk Murugul.

Regrettably, I do not.

Much of what I have learnt came from books in English, and from personal experience, and I did not have personal, first hand exposure to Javanese culture until I was into my 20's.

I did not meet Pak Parman until I was into my 40's, however, the instruction that followed from that meeting was like a book being opened that I had previously only suspected the existence of. To receive personal instruction from somebody who had been a part of the keris world for most of his adult life, and who had held the position of Penangguh in the Boworoso Tosanaji was an opportunity not afforded to many people.

The research that I have been forced to carry out since my 20's has mostly been through personal contact with a number of Javanese people, and by accessing various literature and monumental works. Had I not been able to do this, I'm quite certain that what little I do have some knowledge of, would be even less. I often regret that I have no access to devine inspiration.

My life would have been much easier if I had had your good fortune to be able to access all this information in an instinctive fashion.

I envy you.
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