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Old 4th March 2011, 09:28 PM   #3
Amuk Murugul
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Originally Posted by Neo
I am interested in learning about history and designation of the various titles of kerises (and pusakas in general): Sang, Kanjeng Kyai Ageng, Kanjeng Kyai, Kyai, and Nyai. My perception is that the titles goes from higher to lower in the above order - feel free to correct me if you think otherwise.

A respectable collector was kind enough to show me his kerises that come from the same batch from Keraton Solo. There are a couple with "Kanjeng Kyahi" and there is one without any title. Everyone present there concured that the one without the "Kanjeng Kyai" was actually no inferior from the quality perspective. "Mr. No Title" seemed to be just as old as the other ones. I'm kind of shy to mention the word "tangguh" here, but from the tangguh perspective most of them would be Kediri, including the Mr. No-Title. It even has better iron (hurap lumer) and dapur execution. None of the kerises we evaluated had any kinatah.

Any explanation as to how titles are bestowed on keraton kerises? Merit, perceived power, quality, or design?

Also, I learn about the existence of "Sang" kerises from books that allegedly cite from old literatures. However, when reading literatures about kraton collections, they hardly mention any "Sang", mostly are "Kanjeng Kyai Ageng". Any opinion?
Hullo Neo,

WRT weapons .....generally, in a nutshell:

- Sang: prefix for weapon created by an expert smith (goeroe teupa/poe/mpoe/empoe) as a mark of respect/veneration (seldom used after the advent of Islam c.1100)

- Kangdjeng Kiai Ageung: prefix for weapon (created by an expert smith) with perceived extra-special/more-auspicious origins/traits (much abused, as is/was the title:Soeltan)

- Kangdjeng Kiai: prefix for weapon created by an expert smith who has attained the title Pangeran (prince)

- Kiai: prefix for weapon created by an expert smith (more commonly used after the advent of Islam)

Ki: prefix to denote respect for age of the weapon, but has come to be interchangeable with 'Kiai'

- Si: prefix for any weapon to indicate familiarity/fondness for it (gender-neutral)

- Ni/Nji/Njai: prefix if weapon is deemed 'female'


Last edited by Amuk Murugul; 4th March 2011 at 09:46 PM.
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