Im starting to really hate you now.
Great find! Awesome Philippine/American Civil War piece. haha Gotta give it up to you Robert, you dig through ebay like no other.

I catch myself at times doing the same, but it is a very tedious task to do so many searches day in and day out!
May I ask how much you won this one for? You can PM me if you wish to keep it private. My luckiest mislabeled find on ebay was a Visayan Dagger. It was labeled as WWII Japanese Dagger. Seller claimed his Grandfather was fighting in the Philippines and killed a Japanese soldier and took it from this whole time they thought it was a Japanese weapon. I was the only bidder and got it for $10.

It is nothing too detailed or crazy, but the scabbard and all the traditional looks and designs are there. I never posted or shared it here yet...maybe Ill post it up later.