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Old 23rd February 2011, 06:44 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Titus Pullo
You found an 18th century sword lying around in an antique shop and you bought it? NICE!!!!
Well i did get it for a wooping 120$ :P though this doesnt mean that swords are cheap here, in the contrary actually. Pricing here is very random and some mediocre pieces can go as far as 3k $ and most of the "hidden" pieces are now sold. I once found a syrian sword with a "maybe" wootz blade and what seems to be recent gold inscription. The scabbard, fitting and hilt + crossguard are all recently made in the traditional way.. it sold for 3.2$ and tbh i wouldnt buy it because it looks very new. Though at somepoint once am satisfied of the Ordinary soldier type of swords i'll begin saving for the fancy stuff
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