Thread: Sliding weights
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Old 1st July 2005, 09:58 PM   #19
Jens Nordlunde
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Hi Fearn,

We may, or we may not find swords with sliding weights, but I have a strange feeling, that I have seen one many years ago in a museum, maybe in Istanbul, or somewhere else – I am not sure.

What do you mean by writing that the weight should/could be ‘fixed in place’? How would it dampen he chock?

You write, ‘Fixing a lead slug (or similar) to a blade would certainly be simpler than remanufacturing the blade to have better performance characteristics.’ Yes you are right, that was what the headmen did, if you can believe, that the tree wholes at the blunt tip of their swords were for leaden weights, but they only had to hit once, so why would they need extra weight?

I agree with you, that a short glide would solve quite a lot of possible problems, although the shorter glide, the lesser power. I think I understand what you write next, but I am not quite sure – remember that I’m not brilliant in English. Is it possible for you to explain it in another way? Do I understand you right, when I think that you are saying, that the glider should travel from the back of the blade to the front? If yes, I think this would give the whole thing more force, but I can prove why I think so.

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