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Old 17th February 2011, 03:08 AM   #23
Amuk Murugul
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Kaboejoetan Galoenggoeng Mélben
Posts: 468

Hullo again Gene,

I can't be 100% sure without actually handling the item, but yours looks like a Golok Soenda (NOT Djawa) Pandjang Sintoeng Soelangkar Perah Pingping Hajam; or simply, Golok Pandjang Soelangkar.
Originally such items were part of the prescribed implements of the Prboe (warrior) class (N.B. warrior CLASS, as opposed to WARRIOR). It formed half of a pair , the other half being a sword/sabre (not necessarily of the same length) similar to the first picture in Arjan's post.
These people were usually mounted, hence the length, which would have been of very limited use on foot.
The Golok was used for 'hacking/ chopping' (e.g through jungle growth) while the sabre was for the cut/thrust, hence it would have been much lighter.
Goloks/swords among the Soenda would normally not exceed 75-80cm in length, for ease and utility (as the Dutch found out when they were developing the 'Kalewang'). A more 'comfortable' length would be 40-60cm
BTW ..... Banten, Bandoeng, West Java, etc are all part of traditional Tatar Soenda.

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