Thread: pamor wengkon
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Old 12th February 2011, 03:57 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Gustav
David, it seems you think, I have doubts about existence of your keris. Absolutely not!

I know, you post very seldom pictures of your keris and I understand and deeply respect it. It absolutely wasn't a request to do this. I simply said:

"if you would post your's, it would be second I would see, that's all".

Oncemore, all I wanted to say in this thread is, calling this feature Kul Buntet is doubtful for me (and I could be wrong), and I have never seen this on a Javanese keris before (and now I do).

No worries Gustav. It's nice to know that my word is trusted.
In respect to Alan's response, i did have some doubts that this was kul buntet which is why i also suggested the possibility of lintang mas which from my reading is apparently to be found at the sorsoran. But it may well be something else as well. Closer examination might tell.
My own keris though is clearly a true kul buntet and the kendit on the gonjo also shows a "belt" on the top of the gonjo.
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