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Old 10th February 2011, 09:02 AM   #7
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Thank you very much for comments.

Kai, his is how it looks after some days (careful) sanding, and two days in pineaple juice. I am to timid to do more polishing now (may be, when I will grow older ), the point where I stopped, is when the blackened, rough surface is being almost removed. When I would go further, I would end with a little bit smaller, smooth and shiny blade with some black welding fault lines and pitting (I felt). I simply don't have much experience, and now with this condition I am satisfied for a while.

Unfortunately I don't made pictures of the original condition, yet it was not a nice view.

Alam Shah, I think, I understand what you mean by chevron quenched, I wondered about these lines. Could you please tell more about it? I have never seen such before. I will try to make better pictures of sampir.

Battara, I think so. Bone or ivory one would be very slim, just a line. Will make a picture of a similar (yet existing) wooden buntut.
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