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Old 8th February 2011, 02:00 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Battara
What about the carving - modern? And the selut? My other question is the gold on the top?
I don't see a selut here. I see what looks like an ivory uwer. I couldn't speak to the age of the hilt. It has patina and color but that's easy to fake. The carving isn't brilliant, but it's OK. It has been damaged and repaired, but that is no proof of age. But frankly i don't have a problem if it is more recent. That is the nature of keris ensembles. The parts get replaced over the years.
The blade look to be old and good to my eyes with the remains of an original Bali stain. What about the gold José? The foil looks to be real gold. I also couldn't speak to the era when it was added, but to my eyes it is tasteful.
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