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Old 1st February 2011, 11:57 AM   #9
EAAF Staff
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Upstate New York, USA
Posts: 926
Exclamation Scary stuff

Jeff is not alone. The medieval sword fakes that are coming out now are so proficiently made that I believe the entire market has been poisoned by suspicions. I have seen examples for which I am not personally confident of authenticity in the very best sales venues including major London sales within the last decade. (I am otherwise unaware of the 2009 sale mentioned by cornelistromp and I am not commenting on that sale or sword). Would be buyers are advised to always attend the preview for close-up examination personally or by qualified proxy...

Anyway, Matchlock, the takouba logo that distresses you is on holiday until after the Timonium seminar. (That takouba does have an early European-made trade blade with sun, moon and stars.) Unfortunately, the version of the forums software we are using does not support different logos for each forum. I have found code hacks on the Internet that would override this and give one forum a custom logo or that would rotate a series of logos. However, I hesitate to try it as I do not really know what I am doing in some of that code and also, more importantly, because upgrading this board to a newer vbulletin version is under consideration and an upgrade would wipe all previous customizations anyway.
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