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Old 24th January 2011, 05:02 PM   #7
EAAF Staff
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Thumbs up Norwegian Battle Axes

Welcome to our forums community Trond! I have, without knowing exactly what they were, admired the form of the seldom encountered (by me) Norwegian battle axes without knowing exactly what they really were. I was fortunate to acquire an example several years ago and I knew it had to be Nordic, but I was left with a lot of doubts about dating and actual national origin. It is a rare thread that appears and resoundingly answers such a long nagging question.

I will try and get some decently detailed photos of my axe prepared, for now there is a tiny photo under my name to the left. The form is very similar to your example on the left, including the crescentic maker's mark.

When I first acquired the axe I thought it was such a shame that the handle was so warped. Then when I examined it more closely, I realized the blade was also 'bent' in the same curve and that the whole axe would lay flat on a sphere of several meters diameter. I am suspecting this curve is, like the angled mounting of the axehead, a refinement to make the tool more effective and it really shows just how sophisticated the design and fabrication was.
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