Originally Posted by David
Amuk, this is pretty much the established story, though i am not quite sure that "souvenir" would be exactly the correct term. 
Neo's question is about what this keris may have looked like. Are you of the mind that the keris currently in regalia of the Sultan of Perak is actually this very keris or that it is still lost or missing? If indeed the keris of this regalia ia Taming Sari, then we know what form it takes. 
Hullo David,
I tend to believe that I have an open and objective mind. I always wish that anything I think may be true were so.
However, I now tend to approach things with an open and objective mind slightly tempered with scepticism born of experience.
You may have some idea of the relief and exuberance I feel when something proves to be true.
WRT the keris in question (if indeed it WAS a keris) ..... as the Malays would say: Wallahualam (God knows)..... in the absence of incontravertible proof.