Thread: Taming Sari???
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Old 4th January 2011, 03:21 PM   #2
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Ah, Neo, my kingdom for a time machine...
When you google Jesus most images show you a guy with European features, often blondish and with blue eyes.
Like all legends that may or may not have historical reality, the truth about the form of the actual Taming Sari will probably be forever elusive. The one you describe is what is claimed to be the original currently in the royal regalia of Sultan Azlan Shah, the Sultan of Perak, Malaysia. But in some of the legends the keris was thrown into the river. The history of this blade is very muddled and i don't think anyone can say with any evidential certainty what is what. Is the one in the royal regalia the true keris? I guess it all a matter of what you choose to believe.
I would venture to say that even it the keris that is claimed to be Taming Sari is the original keris, it is most certainly not in it's original clothing.
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