Neo, the best representations of old keris dress that I know of are in the relief carvings at Panataran and Sukuh.
I think that if you search the photos of these reliefs on my site, you will probably find the pics.
The Panataran one is the carving of a keris fight and you can clearly see a scabbard of Bugis style in the waist band.
The Sukuh pic shows a ladrangan of approximately East Javanese style, again in a waist band.
However --- don't get too carried away with what you might have been told about the age of what you have. A lot of people in the keris world have very active imaginations.
Apart from what I have already said about hilts, it would be of use for anybody who wishes to understand the place of weapon hilts in SE Asian cultures, not only Jawa/Bali, to read widely on some of the less developed cultures in the region.Its all out there, but it does require a bit more than a quick google to get the answers.