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Old 13th December 2010, 09:02 AM   #15
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: GREECE Patras
Posts: 40

Hi to All

Delor the sealing composition I find it my self afterwards from a lot of failures!
We have seen that a lot of swords have something like this,the main
component is resin.
The only report that we have is from Robert Elgood's book THE ARMS OF GREECE.
I dont have exact quantities of the materials that I use because I make it through my experience.Several times I start with small quantities of each material and judging the result an then I add parts from the material that I believe that is missing.So it is more due to my experince than a standar recipe.
You heat the recin on the fire and you put first the brik dust then the sealing wax(red)!
When become all homogeneous you put the plaster and you mix them!
As more plaster you put you make the mix more stroger!
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