Originally Posted by guwaya
Hi Alam Shah,
First of all: I am myself from an outside culture so I don't know what I have to enlighten. As such a foreigner I am mostly intereted in receivig an answer to my question dedicated to sajen (and you).
Thank you for your answer with detailed informations, just, it is no answer to my question which was: [B]"what are the criteria that make" the here shown keris to a wedding keris, ...... ."
Since we are outside the culture, then why mention it?

Where are you from?
I reckon I'm not obliged to answer you, or do I?

Perhaps one of the pointer is emulation.. What does these keris have in common in terms of external look? It may be imported from other region where it is used for ceremonial event, such as wedding in Luwu or other regions.