Originally Posted by mrwizard
@Tunggulametung & Spunjer
Electrolysis is of course a very gentle and elegant method of rust removal. On the other hand it is always a big mess and takes some extra effort.
Well life is a lot more practical here in the East. I never read safety note when I read article on the internet
For my case, I don't know how many power I got, just the oldest small battery charger in the planet with no indicator, I don't even know which lead is positive and which is negative, just see how they react if the bubble is on the wrong side, switch it

the worst case isn't electrical shock but merely sparks when the two lead short circuited
This is A LOT simpler then you thought. The internet guide might be looks complicated, but it is actually peanut. Just use whatever charger available (I read somebody do that with computer power supply he has lying around), use as little water as possible (covering all blade surface), as much as sacrificial iron as possible, add a dash of washing soda, you can leave it and do your activities, you'll likely going to clean it off in less than half day, with little or no effort. You can pause and repeat the other day if necessary. I read on the internet it looks like they took days, this is not true for may case. You need to check after several hours, clean off the carbon, if you find red rust under the carbon repeat after you clean the remaining carbon. No need to do it too often.
I swear result is better compared to acid. I believe once you try it, you'll never look back into acid.