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Old 30th November 2010, 06:58 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by migueldiaz
nice barung, maurice. congrats! the one in juynboll's catalogue (pic below) has a similar (broad) scabbard 'throat'. perhaps you can find out the details from the catalogue and share it to us?

when i went to museo oriental in valladolid in spain, they also have two of such barungs which scabbards are almost exactly the same as yours -- i.e., wide 'throat' (upper part of scabbard), and stylized butt end (bottom of scabbard). the museum's curators strike me as meticulous in their description of their items. thus perhaps your barung is filipino after all. but the two barungs have the traditional silver sleeve, by the way.

i'd really be interested in how juynboll described the barung below. thanks in advance!
Thank you Lorenz!
When looking in the database of the Leiden museum you find several with that broad scabbards. I attached an image of an old photo exposition ca 1885, where also is depicted a barung with similar scabbard.

Unfortunately I don't have the Juynbolls myself, so I am not able to look it up right away. Maybe another forumite can share it with us?

There is one in the Leiden database with a clear punto made of partly horn and partly brass.

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