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Old 28th November 2010, 01:57 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 238
Default Tenggerese Keris

While some people believe that Majapahit keris are slim in design and light, some do believe that they are nearer to Blambangan/Bali style. As we know, other than Bali, Tenggerese are often regarded as the 'direct' descent of Majaphit population. Is there anyone with the knowledge what the Tenggerese keris looks like? A photo or two perhaps, preferably older one? Why I ask this is because this might give us hint on further understanding Majapahit keris. They are quite 'isolated' in term of geography and culture, so chances are the the new never or only slightly affected the old ways. And what your thoughts about this idea? Thanks
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