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Old 28th November 2010, 02:52 AM   #7
EAAF Staff
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Originally Posted by kai
While the scabbard is Maguindanao, the blade does look Maranao, doesn't it, Jose?
Well, I know that some in the past have said this, but in later years I have some to the opinion that this is actually Maguindanao. There seems to be a subtle difference between what we know as Maguindanao and Maranao ganga "faces". I have without question always seen this type of face on Maguindanao shoulderless scabbards, but not the Maranao. This is why Kai I have started saying that this ganga "face" is Maguindano. Otherwise, I would agree with you. They are indeed very similar.

As far as okir is concerned, I have noticed that both groups use the same okir style and forms. If it weren't for the other subtleties, I would not be able to tell the difference at all.

BTW - normally I would have given my email privately, but Yanni your private message section is not working for me.
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