Thread: Dutch Cutlass
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Old 26th November 2010, 01:14 AM   #13
Amuk Murugul
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Originally Posted by Henk
This weapon is most likely a police klewang. The klewang no.2 police. Identical to the klewang-marechaussee M. 1913 with two differences. It is not chrome-plated but nickeled and the blade edge is sharp. This was done in the factory. In addition no KM-mark (for Koninklijke Marechaussee) can be found on the hilt.
The klewang was used from 1898 until 1968 by many police forces. Only these two klewangs had metal scabbards.
Hullo Henk,

Would you be able to post a picture of a KM hilt with the KM-mark? Thanks.
I suspect that you are correct in that it is a police klewang (i.e. No. 2). I just didn't want to complicate the issue by differentiating between a KM and a No.2. (I wasn't sure about the above hilt not having a 'KM'-mark. Do they ALL have a KM-mark and it ALWAYS in the same position on the hilt?)
Also, as you will have noticed, the serial no. doesn't have a 'KM' pre-fix. ( I wasn't sure whether ALL KMs had a KM pre-fix)


Last edited by Amuk Murugul; 26th November 2010 at 02:55 AM.
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