Originally Posted by David
I had always assumed that these were battle weapons, not hunting spears.

Maybe not necesarily animal trap, but trap for the infidels? I mean in the war time like forum member Vandoo mentioned in another thread-if I remember correctly, we don't really care how ornate our spear anymore, we'll use anything we can use (with optimism that we'll get it later). Also I remember on another thread seeing mandau for woodworking (something collectors won't even dare to think of). I saw on tv it is use to clearing bush on their way to the river for spearfishing (recent date program)-that precious arowana fish in 'modern world'

, I think they are lucky, must be yummy need to taste one before I die. You know, they are not in war everyday. I believe in the past, other then Keris/Kalis, most all of these weapon from the archipelago are likely "working tools" in certain degree. Keris/Kalis (with spiritual imbued belief) might saw special treatment since the beginning (eg. not going to see woodworking), especially as a defend weapon (this would covers defend from animal attack for example). Kampilan, I remember to learn was datu piece, but seems unreasonable, might be noble alright, and have some ceremonial/status at some extent.
Back to the spear, because they are facing someone with better arm/bullets, they need to keep a distance, so trap sound like a good solution, so at least they have two stages of attack (read: chances) rather than one, or fly for another strategy (I think they are more straight forward no?). If not use on the water (with long rope attached), I suggest it is use as a trap somehow, maybe with shorther rope or without rope at all. I read somewhere on the net, they set up lances inside bamboo barrel for better accuracy.

thanks, just two cents
I think it still valid to add on my last post
Brother Big, that's probable, but in my opinion the wire end design must have other purpose other than counter weight.
PS. at some degree Moro Kris was still a 'defend weapon' in relation with Spanish/American forces at that time, in my opinion they never thought their kalis are different from other keris as how we devide it in this forum, it's just kalis, sundang, keris...same thing only with their unique identity.
Thanks again