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Old 16th November 2010, 05:26 AM   #1
EAAF Staff
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Default Small Philippine Knife

Hello everyone, Here is a small bolo/knife that I just won on e-pray with a very strange blade shape. It (the blade) is of a design that I have never seen before on any edged weapon from Luzon or anywhere else for that matter. This knife is only about 10-1/2 inches long but looks to have a very well made blade that definitely looks like it was meant for mayhem. Age is something I'm not sure about at all on this piece and I wish that it would have come with a scabbard as that could have helped in dating it. The carving on the hilt looks to be of a better quality than most WWII and later pieces that I've seen (so far) but it still could be from that time frame. The grip being carved in the shape of a clenched fist could also point to this knife being of an earlier manufacture. As I do not have this in my possession yet the pictures below are from the auction. Any help and comments on this would be greatly appreciated.

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Last edited by Robert Coleman; 16th November 2010 at 08:07 AM.
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