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Old 8th November 2010, 08:20 AM   #17
cornelistromp's Avatar
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Originally Posted by katana
If the thickness stated is indeed 4.5mm all over, it seems extremely heavy.
Most Helms from many periods range from 1.5mm-2.5mm average....when I say average I mean that several parts of a helmet may be thicker say 3mm and other parts (of the same helmet)1mm or so. The thicker plate used to protect more vital areas. A lot of the strength of the helmet comes from its rounded shape.....and seem to typically weigh around 3.5lbs-5.5lbs. I am curious to see what the posted helmet weighs. Afterall a very heavy helmet would be more of an hinderance than an advantage.

Cesare, could you please post the weight?

Regards David
Hi David,

the thickness of 4.5MM is mentioned for the fixing rings of the camaglio and not for the plates!
(that is of course not possible)

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