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Old 1st November 2010, 03:58 PM   #4
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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I am very much with Michael as my first impressions were in accord with his, as everything I could find in Norman directed toward English origin for this elongated globular pommel. Obviously the pierced shells directed toward a pappenheimer as well. What was distracting me was that as Celtan has noted, the blade resembles rapier blades which were in use mid 17th and into the early 18th century by Spain. It has seemed to me, by the markings and inscriptions, that these were likely produced in Solingen for export.

The wire wrap is indeed replacement, but cannot say from photos exactly how old. I believe that Michael's very well informed friend is quite on target in the German assessment and period, and the sword well illustrates the very composite nature often seen in rapiers as they were reworked to maintain servicability and often changing fashions.

I think that the well established connections between Germany and England in the time period noted may account for the variation in components, as this was during the time when the contingent of Solingen swordsmiths went to England with the establishment of the Hounslow manufacturing center. This is not to suggest this is a Hounslow rapier, simply that a well established contact was in place between the two countries with regard to these commercial matters.

All best regards,
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