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Old 31st October 2010, 08:09 PM   #1
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Default African non-weapon, origin ideas....

just bought a very large mortar and pestle.(I want to display some of my collection with some contempory items to give some 'balance'.)

The pestle is heavy ...and would make a lethal two-handed club. Although a 'non-weapon'......unless you have an argument whilst preparing food ....the wood is identical to that used in South African knobkerries. Both the mortar and pestle are hand worked, probably with an adze. I'm trying to ID origins .....with relation to the wood used......would South Africa be a likely source, or is this specie of wood more wide-spread ?

If the wood is more widespread ..then the IDing of knobkerries with the two tone colouration, often attributed to Zulu, are questionable.

All other comments etc, as always, are appreciated, thank you

Regards David
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