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Old 24th October 2010, 08:00 PM   #2
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Hi Fernando,
You are a man of honor, and carry out your promises, well noting of course that any identification of this sword without any visual help is pure folly. The three bar hilt on military sabres from late 18th into the 19th century would apply to any number of swords from the entirety of western armies.

Since Solingen was supplying blades for the majority, we might presume it is a Solingen blade, the mark WI at the ricasso, depending on configuration may well be an acronym or initials for the unit, or organization for whom the sword was in use. The sun with face and rays is of course from the talismanic astral symbols placed on European blades most commonly in the 18th century, but in degree into the 19th.

Thats about all the ideas I could venture without any illustrations that might lend to the possibilities of origin, otherwise its simply a military sabre of about a hundred year or more period from any one of dozens of countries.

Sorry I cant offer more,

All the best,
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