"Butcher Blade".
There were also serrated daggers. The sawback Bayos came both short and long. In fact, I have a long one FS on EB right now. The most visually impacting are the Swiss M1911s.
Regarding the US Model 1905 E1 - Variant: Even though these US Bayonets were officially classified as M1905 s, the shortened variant was marked 1942-43 in its ricasso, and the tip became _wedge_ shaped, with the open fuller extending to the very tip. (Kiesling Vol. 3 #539). Very different to the "Butcher Blade", which is more lance-like, with a 'closed"fuller.
BTW: would you know if the US Model 1905 also fitted Krags? That's where they started, trying to make existing Krag Bayos fit any new rifles.
Originally Posted by whistlinbill
This first bayonet started life as a Model 1942 US bayonet with a 16" blade. It fits a 1903 Springfield or M-1 Garand. In late 1942 it was decided to cut the blades down to 10" long--some were cut with a spear point, others with a sort of "butcher knife" point, like this specimen, and others with a clip point. They are illustrated in: Cole, Book III, p32, Janzen p225, #2. The second bayonet is an Imperial German, Model 1898/05. It fits a Model 98 Mauser rifle. Collectors call this one a "butcher knife"; it is illustrated in Janzen, p.86 #1.