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Old 12th October 2010, 08:30 AM   #171
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Hello Henk,

"Dr. Groneman vermeldt in zijn studie over de kris, dat in den Kraton van Djokja grepen worden gedragen in mensch- of diergestalte, in den vorm van een djagoengkolf (d.i. mais). of van bloemen, die gana genoemd worden, of ook wel boomwortels zooals bijv. op No. 25, die de menschelijke gestalte weergeven."

Dr. Groneman reports in his study about the keris, that in the Kraton of Djokja ukirans are carried in human- or animalshape, in the shape of a djagoengcob (this is maize). or flowers, wich are called gana, or also from treeroots like for instance on number 25, that reproduce the human shape.
Thanks! However, since this is a secondary source (and a loose translation of Groneman's account), this won't help to decide on the original meaning.

Just to see a keris again with this thread: Could you possibly post a pic of Figure 25, please?

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