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Old 12th October 2010, 07:53 AM   #168
Join Date: Apr 2005
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And here is the online translation:-

"In the Kraton of Jogjakarta who have panakawan (serving young noblemen, pages) if they Bared chest and feathered hair ornaments, without a headscarf appear (Gatete semut) ukiran in the form of human and animal figures, in the form of djagung (corn) ear or flowers. the gana be called, as well as some of the human image resembling tree Wurzen."

which seems to come down on the side of Richardus/Rogers, and Guwaya's original tranalation.
Nah, garbled and missing words, etc.

I guess we can agree that automatic translations will only help to muddle waters in cases where native speakers are struggling to dissect a complicated text.

Not wanting to be too pedantic - just to avoid misconceptions.

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