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Old 6th October 2010, 06:21 PM   #4
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by Atlantia
Hi Navigator
Are you sure it's missing? It doesn't have an ornate top mount like the other one either. (Is it an iron band on the lower one?)
Amazing things BTW! Very impressive.

Edit: clarity
Thanks Atlantia, yes I think at one time there was some kind of end cap there. But I'm not sure what it should be.
It is a cast metal cap on the lower one.
Not sure of the metal.
But the other one doesn't have the cast top mount.
So, don't know what was once there.
Maybe someone can post a photo of a similar ax to provide the info.
Here's a photo of the ends where you can see the ferrule.

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