The Thracians and Dacians had some very unique weaponry for those times... sica, falx, and rhomphaia... along with the more conventional stuff such as double edged swords and javelins... they, the Celts, the Iberian tribes, and the Numidians and Carthaginians had some pretty cool cultures and weaponry. All conquered (eventually) by Roman legions... but I guess the reason they are known to us now is because they put up such a good fight. Very interestng to see how much of an influence the Greeks had in Mediterranean warfare... Roman formations were often a type of hoptile phalanx (versus the Macedonian kind), until they adopted the Hastatii, Principles, and Triarii formations... which was later supplanted by legionnaires. It's interesting that the empire would later take their fiercest enemies and make them roles in the gladiator fights.
thanks for posting this up!