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Old 5th October 2010, 01:14 PM   #1
Ron Anderson
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Sydney Australia
Posts: 228
Default Basket hilted backsword

It's been a while since I troubled you with a new thread. This is a recent purchase. It is in uncleaned condition and to my mind is an incredibly good piece.

The surprising thing to me is the guard, which is wrapped in silver wire, and looks to be from an earlier era than was suggested in the sales description.

The blade is very nice, and long. This is a huge sword. There seems to be one armourer's mark on the hilt which is difficult to make out.

Can anyone here tell me whether this is English or Scottish, and what era is dates back to. Is this a forerunner to the 1788 pattern Scottish basket hilt? It sure looks similar, with a few differences.

The basket looks to be steel, not brass.

I look forward to hearing your opinion.
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